Colonic Irrigation
You are what you eat. We all know that! You are also what you don’t eliminate. Hmmm, an interesting if ghastly thought.

So what do you want?
At first mention, people tend to be embarrassed by the idea of colon cleansing. It’s poo right, and therefore disgusting, and damn antisocial to talk about. All true. However, once one recognises that it’s better outside than in, that often it’s like stale baggage (or old compost) being lugged about, they realise its relevance. If our body’s waste accumulates, its by-products can be absorbed back into our system, and go on to interfere with well-being.
The average healthy-weight adult on a typical western diet carries between 2-12kg of impacted feacal matter stuck to their bowel wall (eg, they used to make wall-paper glue from white flour and water…!). This little-known fact is a reason why so many of us struggle with weight, energy, immune system health, skin blemishes and rashes, headaches, bloating and gut discomfort, sinus problems and body odour (to name but a few!).
It’s a terrific idea and an important function to have a daily bowel movement. At least one! This is how we have evolved, and although modern lifestyles don’t really factor that in, it is none-the-less what we require in order to thrive. Processed foods (incl. most of the stuff in the middle aisles of the supermarket, “frankenfoods”), sedentary jobs, medications, current day farming practices – these are factors that interfere with easy elimination (and contribute to other health issues).
Colonic Irrigation, or colon hydrotherapy, is a safe, simple and intelligent approach to supporting and improving the function of one’s GUT. The bowel (also colon or large intestine) is the last 5-6 foot (1 ½m) of the body’s digestive tract. It’s your body’s garbage bin, the sewerage system, the waste storage facility before we dump it.
A series of colonics may accomplish the following:
Cleanse the colon
Through the gentle infusion of water, impacted waste material is broken down and then eliminated so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Even debris built up over a long period of time can be broken loose in the process of a series of colonics. Once impacted material is removed, the colon will begin to function more as it was intended to, and heal damage due to improper functioning and waste build-up. In this very real sense a colonic is a rejuvenation treatment.
Water is gently infused into the colon, where some of it is reabsorbed back into the body through the lining of the colon. This hydration rejuvenates the cells of the body. The extra hydration in the colon may also soften and loosed hard impacted waste that has adhered to the walls of the colon.
Stimulates reflex points
Every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by reflex points. Colonic irrigation stimulates these points, thereby affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way.
Exercises the colon muscles
The build-up of toxic impacted debris weakens the colon and impairs its functioning. The gentle filling and emptying of the colon improves peristaltic (muscular contraction) activity by which the colon naturally moves material. Consider the repeated cycles of fill and release that is conducted throughout a session to be exercise for the colon muscles (aerobics for the bowel!)
It may reshape the Colon
When problem conditions exist in the colon, they tend to alter its position, which in turn causes more problems. The gentle action of the water, coupled with the elimination of bulging pockets of waste may enable the colon to resume its natural state. Colon Hydrotherapy is not addictive (unlike many laxatives)… It encourages the restoration of the colon’s natural function by removing impacted and putrefied faecal matter. In some cases the sluggish impacted matter can weigh between 2 to 4 kilos, sometimes more, and I have seen clients release foreign objects that have sat in the bowel for many years (a doll’s shoe in a 54yr old woman!) It can also remove gas, undigested foods, mucous and intestinal parasites including tapeworms. By removing accumulated putrefied waste, whilst at the same time re-toning and re-shaping the bowel, colon hydrotherapy improves the function of the colon and prevents the body from reabsorbing toxins.
A healthy bowel free of excess waste, with a proper pH, hosts a range of “good” and “bad” bacteria. The correct ratio of these guys results in a strong immune system (about 80% of our immune health stems from our gut), and is also necessary for the production of some B vitamins and vitamin K. An extra bonus is that the healthy bowel flora produces “energy food” in the form of butyric acid and others, which feed your cells and give you that “edge” of energy. The old saying ‘Wow, he’s got guts!’ when referring to someone particularly bold and brave originates from this fact – he does have that extra bounce, directly fuelled by his gut. Colonics are particularly helpful during periods of intense cleansing and detoxification (eg, a ‘Detox’).
The Benefits of Colonic Irrigation
Colonic Irrigation is an effective treatment for a huge range of symptoms associated with a sluggish colon. Many such symptoms that people experience can be, unbeknownst to them, attributed to congestion in the bowel. Colonic Irrigation can assist the body in the healing process in a wide variety of different colon-centred conditions, such as: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Colds/flu Acne, Constipation, Irritability, Painful menstruation, Diverticulitis, Depression, Premenstrual syndrome, Intestinal parasites, Fatigue, Headaches, Improved metabolic function, Strengthening of the colon muscle, Regular bowel movements, Restoring pH in the body, Overall boost of health, Renewed energy, Allergies, Chronic stress patterns, Asthma, Sinus problems, Back pain, Arthritis Hay fever, The unwelcome ‘potbelly’, Foul body odour, Eczema/Psoriasis, Bad breath, Feeling ‘blah’, Mental alertness, Better quality of sleep, Healthier clearer complexion, Weight loss, Improved immune system, Feeling ‘lighter’ and more.
What to expect at Your appointment
Removing the mystery of Colonic Irrigation When you arrive for your appointment you will be asked to complete a client information form. At this time we will also discuss with you what you, the client, hope to accomplish through colon hydrotherapy.
After simple instruction, the therapist leaves the room and in private, you the client undress from the waist down and position yourself comfortably on the LIBBE base unit. The client then gently and easily inserts the sterile, disposable, ‘pencil-thin’ LIBBE rectal tube about one and a half inches into their bottom, still in privacy (the LIBBE rectal tube is single-use, individually packaged and is properly disposed of after the session). The client then covers themselves from the waist down, presses a bell to let the therapist know to return, and the session begins.
Water flows through a carbon filter, which removes any sediment, rust or chlorine. The water is then purified again, by an Ultra Violet purification system, before it enters the body. It’s slightly warmed before being gravity-fed down to the base unit where the client is comfortably reclined and draped. The water is temperature-controlled, purified and carefully introduced into the body via the rectal tube. The tube stays in place throughout the treatment, held there by the sphincter muscles, while water and faeces release naturally around it. Waste then flows into a well beneath your bottom and out to the sewerage system via a clear viewing tube. An odour exhaust fan ensures the session room remains odour free.
During a treatment, the client will experience several gentle fills and releases of water which eliminates the debris of putrefied and impacted faecal matter, excessive mucus, gases and in some instances, one or more forms of parasites. Gently filling and emptying the colon of water improves the peristaltic (wave-like) muscle action, which increases your transit time of waste material and your natural ability to eliminate. It’s like an aerobics class for your bowel! (The bowel is a muscular organ and the gentle expansion and contraction as it fills and releases are fabulous exercise to enhance its overall and ongoing function).
A clear viewing tube allows you to see what comes out during releases. This is plumbed directly into the sewerage mains, and fitted with an extractor fan to remove odour. No mess, no smell, and without compromising the dignity of the individual! A rinsing sprayer is used to rinse your bottom after the session.
Kate Cooke is a fully trained Colon Hydro therapist, Nutritionist and Masseuse. She is always nearby to monitor and provide you with assistance and comfort as needed. To promote the release of accumulated toxic waste matter, Kate can apply heat packs or abdominal massage and/or foot reflexology. Or you may wish to experience most of your session in private, with Kate on hand as you choose at the press of a bell beside you.
A session lasts approximately 45 minutes (allow 1 1/2 hrs for initial treatment, 1 hr for subsequent treatments). After each session the LIBBE is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
Happy Clients
Motion Potion
This magic potion is one of the best gut health supplements in Australia formulated to create the “perfect poo”. Motion Potion uses a combination of Naturopathically formulated high quality ingredients that soothe, cleanse, strengthen, and recolonise the gut.