Some of the many Frequently Asked Questions people have about what I do

Colonic Irrigation is referred to as colon hydrotherapy, colonics, colonic lavage or high enemas. Regardless of the name, they all refer to the use of water for internal cleansing of the colon (large intestine, or large bowel), without the use of drugs or chemicals.
Colonic Irrigation is a process of removing faecal material from the colon and diluting the bacteria and toxic concentrations in the large intestine (colon). The therapeutic effects include improved muscle tone and shape of the colon, improving its general day-to-day function; enhanced absorption of nutrients; minimising the absorption of toxic waste material and its by-products; eliminating an environment that parasites and disease thrive in; supporting mucous membrane drainage.
Yes. In fact with new colon therapy equipment, treatments are much safer than the common enema. At Flushed with Health, we use an FDA-registered LIBBE open-system instrument, which is high temperature cleaned and sanitized between each session with an anti-bacterial solution. The water filtration system is state of the art, utilizing a 4-stage filtration process including: .5 micron particle filters, ceramic filters, charcoal filters and finally ultra-violet light (rendering anything that could possibly be left in the water at that point benign) – removing all toxins, microorganisms and chlorine from the water. We only use pre-packaged, one time use, sterile disposable rectal tubes. Cleanliness and sanitation are top priorities in our clinic.
An enema addresses the very bottom of the colon (the rectum and sigmoid colon), whereas a colonic or series of colonics can reach the entire length of the colon (the large intestinal tract – approximately 5 to 6 feet in length). So Colon hydrotherapy is many more times effective. According to learned centenarian Dr Norman Walker, “One colon irrigation is equivalent to 30 enemas.”
Short answer: No. However, as you exercise, tone and reshape your colon during a session, occasionally there may be some cramping. This is the body’s way of letting us know it is working! If any discomfort does occur, we apply a warm heat pad to the abdomen, while you breathe deeply and relax. Any discomfort will usually pass within 24 hours. If you wish, mint tea is usually soothing after your treatment. Most people find this type of therapy very relaxing and relieving.
It is not uncommon to feel lighter, bouncier, and some say they have a renewed sense of clarity. Also, in many cases people feel totally energised. Since the initial stage of cleansing will stir up a lot of old debris and toxins, you might experience some minor nausea or fatigue before it’s all eliminated.
If you suffer with any digestive disorders the benefit is usually a relief from abdominal pressure and internal cleansing. The eventual goal is the return to normal bowel function. This leads to increased energy levels, a general feeling of wellbeing, as well as a lighter, brighter you for the outside world to see. Some people report enjoying relief of toxic feelings which they were not otherwise able to eliminate. Occasionally, some people experience an emotional release as they “let go” of old matter they’ve been holding onto. For those seeking maintenance of their colon, and not suffering from pre-existing conditions, the same benefits apply. Colon cleansing is fabulous in the general maintenance of a healthy colon, much like cleaning your teeth is fabulous for oral health maintenance.
You will lose waste. Ridding the body of excess waste helps your body to metabolize more efficiently. It’s not uncommon to carry up to 5kg or more of impacted faecal matter stuck to the bowel wall! You will become more conscious of what foods you are putting into your body and how your body processes those foods. We have seen many clients improve their diet and exercise regime when they start having colonics. We will encourage you to make healthy dietary choices and support you in your weight loss goals.
Laxatives are considered to be an irritant and stimulant to the colon. They cause an unnatural contraction of the muscles wall instead of promoting the natural peristalsis. Long term laxative use will hamper the peristaltic activity. They draw water from the body and produce a thin watery substance that clears only the most recently digested waste from the colon and leaves behind the impacted waste on the colon walls. In addition, they are often habit-forming, meaning your bowel becomes dependant on them to work at all. Enemas are fine to clear out the lower part of the rectum and colon, but miss about four feet of colon.
No, not at Flushed with Health! In privacy, after simple instruction, you insert the pencil-thin sterile rectal tube. You are then completely covered during the entire procedure, resting comfortably on a cushioned base table. We take every measure to ensure you maintain the utmost dignity during the session. It is a very relaxing experience.
Everyone can benefit from some internal cleansing. Everyday our bodies are exposed to toxins and pollutants in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Our modern life style has taken its toll on our digestive and elimination organs. Refined, processed, low fibre foods, animal fats, lack of exercise and ever increasing levels of stress all contribute to our current gastro-intestinal health crisis. When waste and toxins can be eliminated from the body there is no problem. But when these build up faster than can be eliminated, or when the elimination systems are underactive, these toxins accumulate and create the necessary preconditions for disease in the body. A colonic can be likened to a shower on the inside.
During a treatment, or a series of treatments, it is possible for a professional colon therapist to cleanse the full five-six foot length of the colon (large intestine). The small intestine is not specifically involved in a colon hydrotherapy treatment. The small intestine may be cleansed with the help of an oral (herb-based) intestinal cleanser.
Before your initial colonic, a comprehensive health questionnaire is undertaken with your trained Hydrotherapist. Certain conditions are contraindications, and require clearance from your doctor or mean you are not a candidate for colon hydrotherapy eg, Crohn’s disease, rectal or intestinal tumours, kidney problems etc. Professionally administered colon hydrotherapy is safe, and a medical examination prior to therapy should not be necessary.
Flushed with Health uses sterile disposable single-use rectal tubes, and highest-grade cleaning agents and practises. Properly administered, there is absolutely no danger of contamination.
Actual treatment time is about 30-45 minutes, but you should plan a total session visit of one hour in duration. For initial treatments, leave 1 ½ hrs, to allow for questionnaire. Add another hour if you wish to use the Far Infrared Sauna (first session complimentary with your colonic).
No, in fact it’s usually a good time to receive a treatment, since your body is already cleansing. Your flow will not interfere with the success of the treatment.
See “before a colonic” info sheet. Simply, eat lightly for at least two hours prior, drink plenty of water, and get ready to lighten your load!
We give you acidophilus (probiotics) following a colonic because it helps to improve the bacterial balance in the colon. Research has determined there are more than thirty-six different species of bacteria as well as yeast, fungi and viruses that reside in the colon and play an important role in health and disease. Of these bacteria, more than twenty are formed in the stool of flesh eaters, all of which produce very highly toxic products. It is a well-known fact that “good” bacteria, the bacteria that is necessary for proper digestion, has difficulty surviving when the colon is encrusted with old putrefied waste. Good nutrition and the addition of lacto bacterium acidophilus to a diet after the therapy will help replenish the good bacteria in the colon. We recommend a course of probiotics during a series of colonics.
Certainly. You can work just as you would after a regular bowel movement.
If you’ve never done colon cleansing before, we usually recommend a series of six treatments, spaced approximately one week apart. If possible, three within the first two weeks is a great start. The amount and timing of treatments is variable, depending on your personal objective. It is important to remember that colonics are not a “quick fix” for years of problems. Improving the colon function is a process that takes time, like any exercise program. While one treatment is beneficial, a minimum of two treatments is generally recommended.
Please phone Kate at Flushed with Health on 02 6655 2359 or 0448 554 096 or email kate@flushedwithhealth.com.au “The above 6 pictures of prolapsed, distorted, twisted, sickly looking colons are exact reproductions of x-ray negatives of the colons of apparently healthy, civilized people… …Health and sickness both have their roots in the colon.” — Dr. Norman W. Walker, D.Sc.
A Prudent question is one-half of wisdom
– Francis Bacon
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